We offer a variety of courses from a full 6 month implant continuum to one day courses on a variety of implant and dental topics.
Click on each image for more details.

3D course - Masterclass for Surgical Guides
Learn how to fabricate a guide that will allow you to accurately place an implant in 10 minutes using this fully guided technique to drill every step and even place the implant through the guide. This technique can be used with any implant system. Use your current implant system

3D Course- In Office Restorative with free software
Learn how to incorporate 3D printing, the fastest growing trend in dentistry today into your dental offi ce for under $1500 with the use of Free Digital Software. You and your team can introduce this technology into your offi ce predictably and cost eff ectively to 3D Print Models, Temporaries, Custom Trays, Surgical Guides and more
Fast Track Digital Dentures
Learn how to generate 3D printed dentures, models, post-processing, and finishing procedures. A demonstration of techniques including fabrication of a denture using optical scanning, software design, 3d printing, processing procedures, characterization, and delivery of the prostheses.
6 month Comprehensive Implant Continuum
The Comprehensive Implant Continuum is our complete implant training course. Six weekends of implant treatment planning, workshops, hands-on training and live surgeries guided by our nationally recognized team of instructors